Progress Highlights
Project Research
Research i.e. drafting of other essential UML diagrams such as activity diagram and data flow diagram will be continued during Mid-Semester Break.
My supervisor has also expressed her intentions of asking us to write our FYP1 report in research paper format instead of the format outlined by the FYP coordinator.
Project Development
Reverted Django Pagination for Expert Management page (temporarily to allow for search and filter functionality which does not work with Django Pagination)
Added another ordering criteria (expert_col) for Generate Expert Report
Added Generate Set Analysis feature and order_by function for Generate Set Report
Received list of panels for FYP: Dr. Ong Sim Ying and Dr. Rodina Ahmad (both really nice lecturers so we got super lucky!)
Attended 7th meeting with supervisor and master student, Ms. Chempaka Seri (discussed on next phase of machine learning model development which is features extraction and selection using Word2Seq and Word2Veq)
Created new GitHub repository for Fitweet Emotion Detection Model (EDM) development and worked on data cleaning for data sets
What I'm stuck at?
- Currently stuck in resolving dependencies import errors for Tensorflow (discrepancies with v1.x.x and v2.x.x)
- Generally not comprehending all the technical jargons involving machine learning as a whole (like what is Word2Seq and Word2Veq?)
How will next week be?
- Next week is the start of Mid-Semester Break and Hari Raya Aidilfitri so I will most probably give myself a short break from FYP before working on the EDM features extraction and selection during the Mid-Semester Break week itself
Lessons Learnt
I've said this before and I've said it again: Perseverance is key. After surviving the hellish weeks of Week 7-9, I finally managed to breathe a sigh of relief. That being said, 10/10 will never want to go through that experience again (even though my instinct says I will)
Hard work pays off! While my supervisor and I have a love-hate relationship with one another (as expected when you pit two strong-headed individuals with each other), in the end our work (Faidz and I) up until the monitoring session were praised by our supervisor. At the very least, we can be content with the fact that we're on track.
Get out of your comfort zone. I have finally arrived to the part of my FYP where I'm most concerned off the moment I considered on whether to take this title or not, which is the machine learning model development. This is uncharted territory for me as I have minimal to no prior experience in ML. That being said, I'm super excited as very few of my peers have the opportunity to dabble with ML for their FYP. So, I considered myself to be lucky and am grateful for it.